"The goal of transformational leadership is to “transform” people and organizations in a literal sense – to change them in mind and heart; enlarge vision, insight, and understanding; clarify purposes; make behavior congruent with beliefs, principles, or values; and bring about changes that are permanent, self-perpetuating, and momentum building."
- Steven Covey, Author of 7 Habits of Highly Successful People – (The Transformational Leadership Report, 2007)
I feel that Steven Covey defines transformational leadership very well. To me transformational leadership means that as administrators or teachers we hold each other to a higher standard by injecting enthusiasm in a certain task. It is important that as an administrator I keep in mind how my feelings and thoughts affect my actions be it with a student, other administrators in my own building or even at the district level. Forming a vision is very important in transformational leadership. This vision usually is put forth by the leader, but it can also come about by others through energetic dialogue and through no fault conversations. In an article from Changing Minds .org “Transformational Leaders are often charismatic, but not as narcissistic as pure Charismatic Leaders, who succeed through a belief in themselves rather than a belief in others.” (Tranformational Leadership, 2010) A transformational leader has to be energetic to lead others. In my school, I believe my principal is a transformational leader. She has a passion and a vision, to make the school successful. She has also made us followers of that vision, because we want to be successful as welll. In our monthly meetings we always start with a round robin. During that time each teacher has a chance to bring up something that went particularly well. “One of the methods the Transformational Leader uses to sustain motivation is in the use of ceremonies, rituals, and other cultural symbolism. Small changes get big hurrahs, pumping up their significant as indicators or real progress.” (Tranformational Leadership, 2010) I see this all the time as we celebrate good things that happen during the school year.
I feel a leader has to energetic and enthusiastic. All transformational approaches to leadership emphasize emotions and values and share in common the fundamental aim of fostering capacity development and higher levels of personal commitment to organizational goals on the part of leaders’ colleagues.” (Leithwood, 2007 ) I feel this because it is hard to get all teachers and even administrators on the same page. “The transformational leaders serve as a role model for followers. Because followers trust and respect the leader, they emulate the leader and internalize his or her ideals.” (Cherry, 2010) I see this at my school. Most of the teachers are energetic and have “bought” into her vision. I feel as an administrator I can be a successful transformational leader. I am an energetic person and I want everyone to be successful. I want my building to have energy, which at times seems to lack. “When organizational participants are empowered to act as effective leaders and followers based on core values and a unifying purpose, the potential for unprecedented advances and exceptional outcomes are greatly enhanced.” (The Transformational Leadership Report, 2007)
Technology is all around us. I get very excited when I learn something new and can take it back to the others in my building. Being part of ISTE has shown me how technology can help in all aspects of teaching. A transformational leader has to get excited about technology. This enthusiasm has to be spread among the followers. In my school, we want to become more technologically savvy but we have to get our leader excited about it. By making the leader excited, the staff will get excited. Some students are visual learners. In my classroom, I constantly use technology to help with my lesson. Some of these programs are Discovery Streaming, Safari Montage, math websites and reading websites such as myskills tutor. All this technology helps with learning and for a transformational leader the excitement is contagious.
I think a transformational leader is very important in today’s school systems. From administrators to teachers, motivating children is very important. As the word indicates transform means to change into something and in this case you are transforming a crop of teachers to follow a vision.
Cherry, K. (2010). Tranformational Leadershp. Retrieved July Saturday, 2010, from About.com: http://pyschology.about.com/od/leadership/a/transforamtional.htm?p=1
Leithwood, K. A. (2007 ). Tranformation of School Leadership in a Transactional Policy Worlds. The Jossey-Bass Reader on Educational Leadership , 191.
The Transformational Leadership Report. (2007). Retrieved July 2010, from Developing Tomorrow's Transformational Leaders today: www.transformationalleadership.net
Tranformational Leadership. (2010). Retrieved July 2010 Saturday July 24, 2010, 2010, from Changing Minds.org: http://changing minds.org/disciples/leadership/styles/transformational_leadership.htm
Cherry, K. (2010). Tranformational Leadershp. Retrieved July Saturday, 2010, from About.com: http://pyschology.about.com/od/leadership/a/transforamtional.htm?p=1
The Transformational Leadership Report. (2007). Retrieved July 2010, from Developing Tomorrow's Transformational Leaders today: www.transformationalleadership.net
Tranformational Leadership. (2010). Retrieved July 2010 from Changing Minds.org: http://changing minds.org/disciples/leadership/styles/transformational_leadership.htm